Daily Devotionals for Young Girls & Women

God Loves You, No Matter What. Receive His Blessings.

"Do not allow anyone to carry away your blessing." br>
Genesis 27:35 (Amp)

Coming out to family members and friends is definitely hard for any homosexual man or woman to do. I believe it is easier when you meditate on God's Word and what God has already planned for your life. No matter what you are going through now; the teasing, the whispers, the gossipping,the hate; God will be with you no matter what.Blessings are on their way.

We must remember the word of God, throughout our day so we can overcome this feeling and emotions that hold us hostage in our minds. Coming out is very important in the gay community. Even though you may receive some backlash when you come out "you have to view everything negative in your life as only temporary. It will not last forever. It's just a season, but it will not keep you from your destiny." That quote was from Pastor Joel Osteen. Joel sums it up perfectly, right now you may receive some negativity for your coming out, but later on, you will see it was the right thing for you to do to find peace in your life. If you are coming out, you need to live an attitude of faith and expectacy, allowing God to work on your circumstances. Know that you can make it as a homosexual in today's society with Jesus walking by your side. Even though you can't see him, he is there.

Goal For Today: If you have just recently came out to a family member or friend, Pray to God "Father, thank you that this too shall pass." If you have received any negativity or backlash, remember God is here with you and this too shall pass.

Remember at times when it feels like no one is there for you, God is there for you. No matter what.